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Monday, July 8, 2013

How to Avoid Low Testosterone

Testosterone is present in every man's body and it responsible for the male characteristic changes that men typically undergo from childhood to maturity. Healthy T levels naturally lead to normal growth and the initiation of male secondary characteristics at the right time. Inadequate levels can delay or even diminish this growth.As much as testosterone is necessary for growth in the initial years this same level needs to be maintained for a healthy life in the 30s and above. 

Age-related decline in testosterone is very common. After a man crosses 30, the decline is about 1 percent a year.This is the reason why many men today are looking for way to get their Ts up. It is disheartening when in spite of the efforts taken testosterone levels either show no change or in fact seem to have diminished. Here are some ways to avoid it from becoming low in the body. One of the best ways is to take supplements that boost it in the body, Ageless Male is one such supplement that boosts but there other things that men can avoid or can do to ensure that their levels do not become low.

1.      Lose that belly fat! Being overweight is one of the main reasons that the levels in men reduces drastically. Overweight makes a man sluggish and reduces his level of activity. Overweight men who reduced their weight found a remarkable change in their levels.
2.      Stop – drink only in moderation. Men who drank more than 2 drinks a day found that their levels dipped considerably. Intake of alcohol should be controlled. It is fine to have exceptions in the intake of alcohol but they should not become a rule.
3.      What you eat affects the libido. Men in order to lose weight go on a strict regime of dieting. It's a good short term solution but it may radically reduce caloric intake. In order to produce testosterone, a man needs calories for energy and protein. It may be surprising to note that cholesterol is needed to produce testosterone! So radical dieting may actually lead to testosterone decline. Long periods of fasting should also to be avoided.
4.      Get a good night's sleep. Sleep should be had in good measure. A body which has been deprived of sleep leads to lowering of T levels.
5.      Get enough of Vitamin A, C, D or E. Deficiency in one or all the above vitamins may lead to low levels of Ts.
6.      Is your Depression T related? Research shows men who are depressed, may also have reduced levels of Ts. This may be related to depression or low Ts may be causing depression.
7.      Cut back if you're too stressed out. This too can lead to T reduction in the body. Find ways to relieve stress.
8.      Varicose Veins near the testicles. Varicose veins,  in the area of the testicles can reduce fertility by 15% to 17% men. Medically the same needs to be examined and should be treated.
9.      Don't go near any pesticides
Exposure to pesticides either directly or through food and liquids can lower T levels. 
10.  Read the side effects on drugs. Certain drugs and drug abuse are known to lower testosterone levels in the body.

Men in their senior years interested in improving their testosterone levels should take note of the above. You may also want to consider taking Ageless Male supplements. You might come across articles that say that Ageless Male is a scam, but don't fall for this. This supplement is one the more well-formulated supplements out there. It contains Testofen, which is clinically proven, to raise T levels.

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